"Castlevania SOTN is that good, that I'd list it twice myself, unfortunately couldn't play Chrono Cross over here in Australia "

"loving gary sinese, with the csi shirt and everything xD awesome "

"my favourite was the house from beetlejuice, but alot of awesome houses"

"Alot of fun playing some of these games, but very repeatitive, but I agree that I like the original Pokemons the best"

"Great list, but I couldn't survive myself on their diets"

"Ive only seen freddy got fingered and men in black two, and I admit men in black two sucked, but I wasn't sure if freddy got fingered was what you'd call a serious film anyone, voted =D"

"Great list; but I love Gary Oldman and his villians most of all"

"Totally agreeing with Benico Del Toro; haven't seen him in enough films"

"I have to say; I found Brokeback Mountain very depressing but not so much the others, though they're all still great films you've listed"

"Well I love Jim Carrey and this list; reminds me to go and get some more his films ;)"

"I was real suprised to see Requiem for a Dream here; love that film and the rest; fantastic list, that scene in the Shining scares me as well"

"OH, good list I didn't know there was an American Version of Red Dwarf and now that I think about it, I nearly bought Red Dwarf on Blu ray and have this feeling if I did; it would of been the Amer"

"Totally agree with you, Edward Norton made Fight Club; not Brad Pitt"

"Love this list, I'm definately keen on having the drink from A Clockwork Orange"

"I'd of loved to see James Cameron do Spiderman, well put together list"

"great list I think, though I think Barbossa just normally, wasn't that bad looking; but that just might be the fact that I love Pirates"

"american tale was TOTALLY depressing then the second one was just as depressing, Fievel just can't get a break cool list, agreeing with everyone else on Dumbo"

"great list, I loved him not only in Inception but also that 70's show episode, where he is gay he did it so well under-rated acted"

"Brilliant list, Shows me theres a long way to go before I own all of the Batman related shows/movies, though I'm going to probably pass on Catwoman and Birds of Prey ;)"

"I never saw the tick or the animaniacs; otherwize they'd of been ;)"